Green Infrastructure and Open Space

Draft Aims

North Walsham West will provide significant levels of green infrastructure including new areas of multi-functional open spaces, play areas and green corridors creating a linked network of green infrastructure which is located so as to be easily accessible to all residents.

Key Requirements

Green Infrastructure

A Green Infrastructure Strategy for the site will outline how North Walsham West will provide an integrated network of spaces, improve walkability, and enhanced biodiversity. Garden layout and design, together with amenity greenspace and landscape planting will all contribute to the site wide green infrastructure strategy.

  • North Walsham West will deliver enhancements to access existing Public Rights of Way and access routes such as Weaver’s Way and Paston Way, as well as enhancements to recreational opportunities in the local area to attract residents and local visitors.
  • It will deliver large scale open space and integrated green infrastructure as a core feature of the site to provide recreational opportunities and delivery on biodiversity net gain.
  • A substantial area of green infrastructure in the form of a strategic open space of a minimum of 10ha will be provided to the south of the development to create a new green edge of the town.
  • The Weavers Way corridor will be enhanced acting as the green access spine through the development including improving biodiversity along the corridor, providing a pedestrian & cycle priority crossing point across the main street through the development.
  • A green access corridor with landscaping and biodiversity enhancements will be provided along the western countryside edge of the development.
  • Sustainable urban drainage schemes, swales and drainage proposals will form part of the green infrastructure strategy for the site.


Open Space

North Walsham West will be a development with parks, green corridors, and areas of open space as a core principle of placemaking and urban design. It will provide new open spaces that will meet the demands and needs of the new residents whilst also providing those open space types where there are deficiencies in the town such as allotments and a new cemetery.

  • A new ‘Town Park’ of at least 1 hectare will be created in the centre of the development close to the Local Centre. It will be linked to the wider community and development by green access corridors and walkable routes.
  • An area of formal sports pitches will be provided next to North Walsham Town Football Club complementing and enhancing this existing community facility.
  • Pocket Parks with children’s play and more informal areas will be located throughout the site and linked to the community and key locations by a series of green access corridors.




Last Reviewed: Monday, June 28, 2021

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