Draft Aims
North Walsham West will provide the infrastructure that will be required for the new residents and to support the needs of the existing community. Supporting infrastructure will be provided in the most sustainable way in order to meet the challenges of climate change.
Key Requirements
An Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be produced for North Walsham West to establish current infrastructure provision and capacity and to identify the infrastructure needs arising from the new development
North Walsham West will ensure that the most sustainable options are taken for managing water supply, wastewater & flood risk. North Walsham West will achieve the highest of water efficiency in order to minimise its impact on water resources and contributing to long term water resilience for the area.
Innovative approaches to waste management will be encouraged looking at how homes and business's can reduce waste.
Electricity and heat provision and generation will have to consider the impact of climate change and carbon reduction. North Walsham West will adopt and lead on new technologies for power generation and for heating homes.
Utility companies, energy generation companies and the developers will provide the appropriate level of infrastructure in the most sustainable way.
North Walsham West will have access to high quality digital infrastructure, both fixed broadband and mobile communications, that will facilitate social inclusion, enabling everyone to take up employment, education and social opportunities, as well as access a wide range of services that are increasingly provided online.
North Walsham West will provide appropriate infrastructure for vehicle charging
The development should be adaptable to changing and future technologies.