Draft Aim
North Walsham West will be an attractive and enjoyable place to live. It will create a distinctive sense of identity through an innovative masterplan based on setting the development in a series of green spaces, enhanced green infrastructure and clearly defined character areas.
Key Requirements
North Walsham West will deliver high levels of design quality. The Development Brief will set out the parameters of what is expected both in spatial terms and for development character.
A separate Design Code will provide more detail on what is expected in terms of residential development and non-residential development. It will define the key character areas such as the main residential street (Link Road), Local Centre and Squares and Streets.
The Design Code will follow the principles set out in the North Norfolk Design Guide and the National Model Design Code and integrate all the themes in the Development Brief to address the following:
Movement: it will provide guidance relating to the network of streets, green corridors, and sustainable transport for all area types in the Western extension.
Green Infrastructure: it will provide guidance on integrating nature through the green infrastructure, drainage and open space strategies to all area types.
Built Form: this will outline the high level design principles by area type including density, grain, building line and height.
Identity: The design of buildings will vary by area type and may vary to a lesser degree within area types.
Public Space: The character of each type of street will vary by area type.
Use and mix: The opportunities for intensification, mix of uses and housing types mix of uses, and active frontage will all vary by area type.
Homes and Buildings: Guidance of privacy distances and garden/balcony sizes may vary by area type.
In the links to the left of this screen we have included extracts from the Council's existing Design Guide. These principles will be used to prepare a specific Design Code for North Walsham West which will be subject to consultation.