Drainage, Flooding and Water Efficiency

North Walsham West does not fall in an area that is susceptible to flooding from rivers, the sea or surface water flooding. However, the site will require a detailed Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy. Disposal of surface water to the west of North Walsham has been an issue and a specific drainage strategy to address this will be required.

  • SuDS will be an integral part of the green infrastructure framework of the Western Extension providing wider amenity, recreational & biodiversity benefits.

  • The development will use permeable materials to aid infiltration and ground storage such as permeable paving and green roofs.

North Norfolk experiences low levels of rainfall and is defined by the Environment Agency as an area of water stress.

  • New homes in North Walsham West will meet the tighter water efficiency standard of 110 litres water use per person per day as described the Building Regulations.

  • Grey and rain water recycling will be integrated into the design of new homes.


Last Reviewed: Tuesday, March 23, 2021

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