There are no Listed Buildings on the site and it is not designated as a Conservation Area. However, close to the site there is a collection of Grade II Listed Buildings at Bradfield Farm and there are a number of Scheduled Ancient Monuments to the east and south of the site which are medieval stone crosses commemorating the site of a battle during the 1381 Peasant's Revolt. The Battlefield site is located directly to the south of the site.
Key Proposals
The development will provide an enhanced landscaping buffer, together with a sensitive layout, scale and design on the western edge of the development to protect and enhance the setting of the Bradmoor Farm Listed Buildings.
A large area of open space will be provided on southern boundary of the site. This area will provide interpretation, public art and landscaping that interprets the ‘story’ and importance of the Battlefield and its history for the town.

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How should North Walsham West acknowledge and respond to the heritage of the town