Draft Aims
North Walsham West will provide approximately 1,800 new homes in an inclusive diverse community. Homes will be built to address a wide range of needs including for those in need of affordable accommodation and those with specialist requirements. All homes will be built to the high environmental standards which reduce their carbon footprint including through the selection of construction materials, energy use and generation, layout, and enhanced biodiversity.
A high standard of design will be required with the creation of a small number of locally distinctive character areas, which respond positively to the characteristics of the site and its surroundings (See Design Section)
Key Requirements
Over a period of approximately 15 years, the site will deliver in the region 1,800 homes. These will be built in phases in a small number of distinctive character areas which take full account of the characteristics of the site and surroundings to ensure that the proposals integrate effectively and positively within the town in accordance with a Master Plan and Design Code which have been approved before development commences.
The size and tenure of homes built will address locally identified needs including not less than 15% of the total being provided as homes which are affordable to local people. A minimum of three sites within the development will be for specialist care facilities including for the elderly and others requiring day-to-day care. At least half the homes built will have three bedrooms or fewer. Opportunities will be provided within the development for those wishing to build their own homes.
Building Standards
The Council has declared a climate emergency. How our homes are built and occupied, is a significant source of carbon. National standards of construction are improving but North Norfolk wants to go further and ensure all new homes significantly reduce their impact on climate change. We also want homes to be fit for modern lifestyles and to provide space for wildlife.
Homes at North Walsham West will:
be built to standards which reduce their carbon footprint by at least 31% more than is currently required in the National Building Regulations
be built to improved space standards
be provided with fibre broadband connections
be provided with electric vehicle charging facilities
provide homes and space for wildlife and incorporate bird nesting sites, bat roosts, and hedgehog gates
Meet higher water efficiency standards
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