
The proposals for North Walsham West are informed by evidence and policies which are summarised on this page.

National Planning Policy Framework

National Planning policies require that sufficient homes are built to address all identified needs and that both the quantity and type of homes built closely match likely demand and need. 

Local policies are based on evidence which considers likely population growth, migration, the existing housing stock, local incomes and a wide range of other factors to establish what will be required. This is published in Strategic Housing Market Assessments.

The National Planning Policy Framework can be found here: NPPF (opens in new window)

Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)

A Strategic Housing Market Assessment for North Norfolk and the adjacent districts was published in 2019. It provides a comprehensive assessment of future housing needs both in terms of quantity and type.

It concludes that in the period between 2016 and 2036 around 9,000 -10,000 new homes will be needed in the District and that at least 2,000 of these should be affordable homes.

A copy is available here: SHMA (opens in new window)

Other evidence

The Council considers a range of evidence to determine the mix of homes within development proposals including local waiting lists, shortages of particular types of development locally, demand for Custom and Self Build development and market demand

Last Reviewed: Tuesday, March 23, 2021

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