Transport Evidence

The proposals for North Walsham West are informed by evidence and policies which are summarised on this page.

National Planning Policy Framework

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It says the following on “Promoting sustainable transport”:

Transport issues should be considered from the earliest stages of plan-making and development proposals, so that:

(a) the potential impacts of development on transport networks can be addressed;

(b) opportunities from existing or proposed transport infrastructure, and changing transport technology and usage, are realised – for example in relation to the scale, location or density of development that can be accommodated;

(c) opportunities to promote walking, cycling and public transport use are identified and pursued;

(d) the environmental impacts of traffic and transport infrastructure can be identified, assessed and taken into account – including appropriate opportunities for avoiding and mitigating any adverse effects, and for net environmental gains; and

(e) patterns of movement, streets, parking and other transport considerations are integral to the design of schemes, and contribute to making high quality places.

For further information, please the NPPF at:
For further information on the Planning Guidance on transport evidence please see:

Norfolk County Council

Norfolk County Council is the Highway Authority for North Norfolk and provides advice and guidance for developments as well as providing the strategic transport policies through the Local Transport Plan.

North Walsham Network Improvement Strategy

The North Walsham Network Improvement Strategy (NIS) identifies potential measures to help address existing transport network constraints that will also complement the growth identified in the emerging Local Plan.

Key findings:

  • The town centre has good permeability, although not particularly evident or legible to visitors, and there are insufficient places to shelter or stop and rest

  • There is a sense that Market Place is vehicle dominated.

  • By improving the Market Place as a focal point for bus access and maximising passenger boarding and alighting at that location, it would be possible to reduce the dwell time of buses at the Post Office.

  • Improving the bus stop at the Post Office is preferred to alternative locations for a bus interchange.

  • Lowering the carriageway under Cromer Road bridge is unlikely to be deliverable and the existing roads north of the Bradfield Road bridge are unsuitable Further work is required to identify whether this constraint can be overcome on the Bradfield Road bridge alignment or an alternative overbridge.

Based on findings from the study work the action plan recommends areas where consideration should be given in the form of short, medium and long-term actions. NCC will investigate funding opportunities and work collaboratively with local partners to progress delivery.

Taking account of the budget available, this NIS has focussed on three issues:

  • Potential options for a more pedestrian friendly Market Place

  • Bus congestion at the stop by the Post Office on Yarmouth Road, including potential alternative locations for an interchange

  • Initial feasibility work to address the constraint of low bridges either through lowering the carriageway on Cromer Road or providing an alternative route for high vehicles by using the overbridge on Bradfield Road

For further information, please see: North Walsham Network Improvement Strategy

Local Transport Plan

The Local Transport Plan sets out Norfolk County Council’s plans, policies and programmes on transport and transport infrastructure.
“The plan details how we will deliver a transport network in Norfolk through identifying the projects and programmes important to us, and in their design and direct delivery. The plan also shows how we will seek to influence our key partners in government, communities, the commercial sector and the third sector.”
For further information, please see: Local Transport Plan - Norfolk County Council

Highways advice for developers

Where development would have an effect on the transport network, the Highway Authority is asked to assess that impact.
The Highway Authority will provide advice and requirements for issues such as:

  • Highway design and engineering
  • Corridors of movement
  • Parking
  • Signs & road markings
  • Street lighting

The consideration of transport sustainability is a material planning consideration. It must be taken into account and forms part of the suitability assessment undertaken by the Highway Authority. People need to be able to reach employment and facilities, families and friends, without over-reliance on car travel which has created local air quality problems, safety issues and contributes to climate change.

More info. : Highway advice for developers - Norfolk County Council

Link Road Feasibility Study

A high-level traffic assessment has been prepared to inform the proposed new growth in the emerging Local Plan in North Walsham. This study focuses on the feasibility of delivering a Western Link Road (WLR) around the town, linking Norwich Road, Cromer Road and the industrial estate.

The report concludes that there will be a significant amount of new traffic associated with the sites proposed for allocation in the emerging Local Plan. However, the WLR is expected to alleviate the majority of the traffic impacts that the growth could cause.

Additionally, the WLR is expected to solve some of the existing routing issues for HGVs caused by the low bridges in the town. This high-level study suggests that the WLR should provide a northern link along Link Road and Bradfield Road to connect with the industrial estate to deliver the maximum transport benefits for the town.

For further information, please see. : North Walsham Western Link Road Feasibility Study (opens in new window).

Consultation responses in 2019

Below is a very brief summary of the comments that were received during the formal consultation that took place during May and June 2019.  These comments are being taken on board and will help inform the merging development brief for the Western Extension.

For further information please see the summary document on our website here: xxxxx

Summary of Comments from the General Public

We received some support for the expansion of North Walsham acknowledging the need for a link road (extending to the industrial estate) but questions how it will be funded, if it will actually be used and if it will resolve current issues on Station Rd and Mundesley Rd. Concern that North Walsham lacks the infrastructure necessary to accommodate growth. Existing traffic issues in the town and a lack of pedestrian and cycle routes. Concerns over parking, the impact on the town centre and impact on amenity of existing residents.

Summary of Comments from the Town Council

Support for the principle of growth to the west of the town however the Town Council raised objections over the potential for growth without lack of joined up infrastructure and the requirement to deliver a link road first that connects into the industrial site. The Council also asks that development is brought forward in one phase. Connectivity and open spaces should feature in any site.

Last Reviewed: Tuesday, March 23, 2021

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