The design of the streets and how cars are parked will have a strong influence on the overall placemaking and feel of North Walsham West.
The streets in NW West will be designed to be safe places for cycling and walking whilst provide efficient and logical routes for vehicles. The Western Link Road will not be a 'by-pass' type route and will pass through the residential area, however, it will have to provide a utilitarian function of taking through traffic including heavy goods vehicles. It is expected to have a 30 mph speed limit with numerous safe crossing points.
Providing sufficient car parking to meet the needs of residents whilst creating attractive streets can be a significant challenge. Parking within NW West has to be designed carefully, and parking capacity needs to be flexible. Parking for cycles should be included in new dwellings and for older or less mobile residents there should be consideration of mobility vehicle parking and storage. Vehicle charging points will be an integral part of all parking schemes.
Home deliveries will continue to be a vital part of day to day life in North Walsham West. Street design should consider the accommodation of delivery vehicles and explore more innovative solutions such as shared delivery hubs for a street or neighbourhoods.
The Highway Authority, Norfolk County Council, will be fully involved in the work on the design of the streets and parking and they will have to meet all required highway standards.

On site private drive typology

Informal parking square with shared space